For riders in cold-weather regions, it's
almost time to unpack your bike. If your motorcycle has spent a long
winter's night out of service, the following are some points to consider
when you begin to get it ready for the road. We focus here on items
that may require special attention after extended storage
and things which should get attention now to avoid interrupting the
riding season. Your owner's manual will have a checklist for a standard

Battery: If it spent the winter well charged, as with a Battery Tender or a regular trickle charge, then it's is probably ready to go. Give it a regular service (fluid level and slow charge) and send it on its way. If it was neglected all winter, give it the same service and check it. If it comes out looking a bit sickly, replace it before it causes problems. Be certain the vent tube is connected and properly routed.

Oil: If you changed the oil immediately before you stored it, it is probably ready to rumble. Fresh oil can be contaminated by water, which will give it a milky appearance when it is first run. If you didn't change oil before storage, replace it now. Otherwise, those normal contaminants have been joined by a measure of water, a recipe for corrosion. Change the filter unless the it was fresh. Use a torque wrench on that drain plug.
Fuel: If you left your tank full (a good way to avoid rust), the fuel
has probably stratified, unless you used a fuel stabilizer. Before
turning on your petcock and letting fuel into the carb, disconnect the
fuel line and drain the tank completely. (Pour the old gas in your
car--or your neighbor's.) This is a good time to clean your fuel filter
and look inside the tank for rust. If you didn't drain your carb float
bowl(s) before storage, pull them off now and take a look. If the inside
has something that looks like varnished cottage cheese, you probably
have clogged jets, too. Carb cleaner might help, but you might need new
jets and a professional unclogging as well.
Engine: A shot of oil in each spark plug hole followed by a couple of spins of the engine with the plugs removed will protect the cylinder walls and rings during those first few revolutions. When you pull the plugs, check the gaps too. If you haven't serviced it during the winter, the rest of those engine service items (air filter, carb synch, drive-line fluids, etc.) should be attended to as well.
Brakes: This is a good time to install fresh fluid—after your old stuff has spent all winter soaking up water and is at its spongiest. You definitely should do it if you skipped it during the last year or two. Check the pads or shoes too. If they are "sort of" thin, get new ones now.
Suspension and steering: Prop the front wheel off the ground, sit in front of the bike and grasp the fork lowers. Move them forward and back to feel for steering-head looseness. If you feel any movement or clunking from the steering head, tighten it properly. Have you changed fork oil recently? Is a fork seal leaking, even a teensie-weensy bit? If so, take care of it now.

We anticipate the weather answering our prayers and wish you a great riding season!
Enjoy the Ride,
LRS Team
Article From: Motor Cycle Cruiser
Enjoy the Ride,
LRS Team
Article From: Motor Cycle Cruiser
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